New Publications

It’s been a minute–or, more accurately, more like two years. But in any event, here are links to some exciting new publications:

An Archive of Taste: Race and Eating in the Early United States, is now available in print and in an online open-access edition via the University of Minnesota Press’s Manifold publishing platform.

Data Feminism is also now available in print, with the OA edition coming soon. More information about both is available on the Data Feminism website.

And finally, a new essay of mine, “Dimensions of Scale: Invisible Labor, Editorial Work, and Quantitative Literary Studies,” has been published in PMLA. If you’d like me to email you a copy, please just get in touch.

Essay in Early American Literature

Exciting news! My essay, “Dinner Table Bargains: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Senses of Taste,” about Jefferson, Madison, the foods they ate, and why we should care, is now available in print and online in Early American Literature 49.2. Please email me if you’d like to read the essay but don’t have a subscription to Project Muse.  banner

Essay in American Literature

home_coverI’m pleased to announce that my essay, “The Image of Absence: Archival Silence, Data Visualization, and James Hemings,’ has been published in the December 2013 issue of American Literature (85.4). You can read my essay, along with many other excellent contributions, here.
